Sunday, February 10, 2008

Literary Anecdode

About eight years ago I was in a pretty bad car accident. Everyone in the car had gotten pretty badly banged up, me being the worst. My best friend and I were visiting our boyfriends who lived about a half hour away. Since we didn’t get to see one another during the week we made sure we went out to see them or they would come see us on the weekend. It was pretty typical Friday night, we were at a party at one of their friends houses, and just having a good time. It was getting pretty late and our parents wanted us home, so my grandma came to pick us up and take us home.
We were driving down a four lane high way, the same high way we take every weekend to get to and from their houses, the only thing different is they had now begun construction. It was late, dark, and pretty chilly evening in January. The roads were pretty deserted, not many cars were seen along this highway. There were huge mountains of gravel on the one side of us, and a lot of blinking cones in the middle of the road. Driving cautiously we were headed to take my friend Arielle to her mom’s house, which happened to be only five minutes from where we had just gotten picked up.
All of the sudden you could hear two horns going back and fourth beeping, possibly at one another, coming up behind us, quickly. One car was behind us and the other in the right lane. The car in the right lane past very quickly, still honking. The car that was behind us moved over still honking, Next thing I saw was headlights coming at my door. The driver must have lost control of her vechicle, and spun out. Our van was hit on the passenger side, and pushed into the oncoming traffic lane. At first impact my head hit the side window, which shattered, I’m assuming due to the force of the impact. The van spun, was almost hit by a SUV coming at us, and was somehow pushed up this mountain of gravel, and started tipping, but for some reason fell back down.
After we were hit things seemed to be moving in slow motion. I remember looking around hoping everyone was going to be okay, I was holding on to my armrest for dear life, it felt as if we were on tilt a whirl and not able to control the spinning. When the car finally fell back to the ground we knew it was going to be okay. I grandma looked at each of us and asked if we were okay. Luckily everyone was fine, except Arielle was not sitting on the floor. My grandma got out of the car to go see if the driver was okay.
Something was wrong with me though, for some reason I couldn’t see out of my right eye. I looked back at my friend and she screamed, “Oh my god Amanda, you look really ugly!” I touched my face, and it there was a huge bump. I paniced as pulled the visor down to look in the mirror. No lights in the car, we had lost all of our power. I wanted my grandma to look at my face, and to tell me everything was going to be okay. I climbed over the seat to the drivers side door to get out, but since we were on a hill and I was still shaken up, I fell out of the car, and scratched myself up.
The driver of the other car was fine and her car was too. She let us sit in her warm car while waiting for the ambulance to come. I was in and out of consciouness now and this woman kept trying to ask me questions just to keep me talking as she was stashing things under her seat and trying to dispose of the opened bottle of vodka. The ambulance finally arrived, put a neck brace on my neck, oxygen on my mouth, and put me on the stretcher.I was really scared in the ambulance all alone. My grandma was talking to the police and seeing if they would give her a ride home. When she finally got into the ambulance and it was time to leave I was pretty awake. I remembered I didn’t have my make up and pager and refused to let the ambulance leave with out them. My grandma went and found my things and we rushed to the hospital. No real damage done, my eye was swollen shut for a few days, the bruising to my face lasted a few months, I was at the chiropractor everyday for nearly a year.

In this anecdode I just added more details about what happened that night. I took out the end about having surgery two years later.

1 comment:

Miska said...

Hello Amanda, thanks for the comments in my journal.
Unfortunately that story was true as yours.

WOW, what a night, huh. Well I liked both of your stories, and the second one was more developed, you used different language in some parts then in the first one. But you did a good job.

It had to be scarry, and hard to forget about something like that. And when you do forget about it, then it comes back. With you it was the surgery, two years ago. It actually made you go back to that accident. Hey all it matters is that we both came out of it.
